Please use the menu on the left hand side to access more information where

Around the parish there are various amenities available to residents and visitors,
including venues for functions and  outdoor sports facilities.  Some are owned
or managed by the Parish Council, others are the responsibility of charitable
trusts or other bodies.



If you spot a problem or something damaged or broken, or just something
that causes you concern, please contact the Clerk by phone on 07393 572608 or contact any of the Councillors whose names and numbers are on the Parish Council pages.

The sooner you tell the Parish Council, the sooner we can try and resolve it.
Thank you. 


See a pothole; Report a pothole

There is an interactive Highways page on the DCC website ( link below ) which can be
used to identify potholes but also a variety of other highway related problems; from
empty grit bins, to missing / damaged signs etc

Chair of Council, Cllr, Susan Tribble, urges all members of the public to make use of
this service as the more complaints DCC get about a particular problems, the more
likely they are to fix it!! The squeaky wheel gets the grease!! 
