Clubs & Societies

We are fortunate to have many active clubs and societies in the Parish, many of which are listed below. Some also have their own pages on this website, and if your club would like a page please contact the Parish Clerk or the Website Maintainer.

Newton Poppleford Garden Club
Contact: Colin Campbell - 01395 568343

Cricket Club
Contact: Matthew Raistrick - 01395 567962

'Poppleford Artists' - Tuesdays. Contact: Geraldine Swan - 01395 567450

Tennis Club

Contact: Steve Filer - 01395 567756
Club Night: Thursdays from 7pm at the Tennis Courts

Newton Poppleford History Group
Terry Gregory - 01395 568848 

Table Tennis Club
Steve Filer as above 

Wednesday Wanderers (Walking Group)
Elizabeth Austing - 01395 568903

Helen Goodman-Patne - 01395 568071