Local History Group

The Local History Group started officially in early 2014, initiated by long-standing resident of Newton Poppleford: Geoff Tenney.  The Parish Council has provided some seed funding to get things under way, but we will need to raise funds to cover the costs of hall rental, purchase of filing cabinets etc., and general expenses for copying and recording local information.

Over the years a lot of old documents and paraphernalia has been collected, much of it stored in the Village Hall and one of the first jobs is to sort and catalogue what is there and any related information.  Longer term we plan to publish one or more booklets so that anyone can have a copy of the findings.

The Group meet regularly on the first Monday of each month in the Village Hall at 2.30pm.  New members will be very welcome!  We want to preserve your memories of schooldays, local events, the village, shops, jobs and work  -  and anything else that seems relevant.  Please come along and join in!  For more information please contact Terry or Caroline Gregory on 01395 568848. 

A selection of the old photographs is shown here.  If you have any old photos, slides or documents that might be of interest, we should be grateful to borrow them so they can be scanned for our archive and then returned to you.  Telephone 01404 812733 to arrange collection etc., or if they are already in digital format they can be emailed to  [email protected] .

To raise funds for the Local History Group, a Coffee Morning was held in February.  This was very successful and people who had moved away from the area came back to share memories, see old friends, and bring memorablia.



John Hagger and Terry Gregory (residents of Newton Poppleford) have researched the names of those killed in the wars and commemorated on the War Memoriall near St Luke's Church.  You can see details of these courageous men by clicking here.


John Hagger and Terry Gregory (both residents of Newton Poppleford) have researched the names of those killed in the wars and commemorated on the War Memorial near St Luke's Church. You can see the details of these courageous men by clicking here.