Notice Board

This page is available for publicising local events and fund-raising activities. If you are organising an event, e.g. a fete, fair, coffee morning, trip/outing etc., and would like people to know about it, please contact us by clicking here.


 Dog Poo Problems

The majority of dog owners behave responsibly picking up and disposing of dog mess appropriately. However there are still a few who are not mindful of public health issues. So, please refrain from leaving dog poo anywhere where people walk, or where contractors have to cut with strimmers as it gets all over their machines and clothes. Please do not place filled bags anywhere other than dog bins. (i.e. Do not leave used bags in hedges, on fences, or other peoples gardens.)

The district council, in conjunction with the town and parish councils, has defined a set of orders as follows:
The Orders now in force are:
 * A single district-wide order making it an offence:

  • To fail to pick-up after your dog fouls
  • To fail to put your dog on a lead when told to do so by an authorised officer
  • To take out more than 6 dogs at any one time
    *There is an Order prohibiting dogs from certain areas. N.B. Newton Poppleford Playing Field is subject to prohibition of dogs.
    *An Order prohibiting dogs from certain parts of the beaches between 1 May and 30 September each year.
    *An Order requiring that dogs be kept on leads in certain areas.

Under the new Dog Control Orders all offences would be punishable by a fine of up to £1000 following conviction. For first offences, officers could issue a fixed penalty notice with a fine of £80. The full details can be seen on EDDC’s website.

 Public Conveniences  

Winter Opening: 8.00am until 5.00pm
Summer Opening: 8.00am until 7.00pm